1 |
Appointment of Statutory Auditor |
2 |
Book Closure For EOGM |
3 |
Change in Statutog Auditor |
4 |
Disclosure to be made by an entity identified as a Large Corporate |
5 |
Fixation of Record Date for issue |
6 |
Fixes Book Closure For AGM_2018-19 |
7 |
Notice of AGM_2018-19 |
8 |
Notice of Record Date for issue of Bonus Shares |
9 |
Notice of Revised Record Date for issue of Bonus Shares |
10 |
Procedings of AGM_2018-19 |
11 |
Proceedings of AGM_2017-18 |
12 |
Proceedings of EOGM_30.03.2019 |
13 |
Result of AGM_2017-18 |
14 |
Result of the Extra Ordinary General Meeting_30.03.2019 |
15 |
Scrutinizer's Report on E Voting_AGM 2018-19 |
16 |
Intimation Regarding Opening Of Branch Office |
17 |
Outcome of BM 10.06.2020 |
18 |
Board Intimation 03.06.2020 |
19 |
Disclosure BSE After Incorporation sw |
20 |
BM Intimation 22.06.2020 |
21 |
Outcome of BM 30.06.2020 sw |
22 |
BSE Intimation for Enter into agreement with NAEFD sw |
23 |
Intimation of BM 02.09.2020 |
24 |
Outcome of BM 02.09.2020 |
25 |
Notice of AGM 30.09.2020 |
26 |
Book Closure for AGM |
27 |
Newspaper Publication As per MCA Circular |
28 |
Form MGT-9 Extract of Annual Return |
29 |
Combined Voting Results and Scrutinizers report_30.09.2020_AGM |
30 |
AGM Proceedings_30.09.2020 |
31 |
Resignation of Statutory Auditor |
32 |
Appointment of Statutory Auditor |
33 |
Outcome of BM_13.11.2020 |
34 |
Resignation of Nidhi Ajudia Change in Directorate |
35 |
Confirmation regarding not falling under Large Corporate |
36 |
Non-Applicability of Reg 24A of SEBI LODR_Secretarial Compliance Report |
37 |
BM Intimation_23.06.2021 |
38 |
Announcement under Reg 30 for Resignation of Director |
39 |
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Directorate |
40 |
Resignation of Non executive Independent director |
41 |
Intimation of Board Meeting_01.09.2021r |
42 |
Outcome of Board Meeting_01.09.2021 |
43 |
Notice of AGM_Indo Us Bio Tech Limited |
44 |
Form MGT-9 Extract of Annual Return 2020-2021 |
45 |
Book Closure Intimtion |
46 |
Newspaper Publication AGM Notice_2020-2021 |
47 |
Scrutinizers Report_Voting Results_29.09.2021 |
48 |
Outcome of AGM_29.09.2021 |
49 |
BSE Intimation_BM 09.10.2021 |
50 |
Outcome of BM_09.10.2021 |
51 |
Book Closure_EGM |
52 |
Notice of EGM_01.11.2021 |
53 |
BM Intimation_14.10.2021 |
54 |
Outcome of EGM_01.11.2021 |
55 |
Scrutinozers Report_EGM_01.11.2021 |
56 |
Record Date for Bonus |
57 |
Outcome of Board Meeting_14.11.2021 |
58 |
Non-Applicability of Regulation 23(9) of SEBI (LODR) Regulation |
59 |
Announcement under Reg. 30 for Appointment and Resignation |
60 |
BM Intimation for Bonus shares Allotment |
61 |
Outcome of BM_07.12.2021 |
62 |
Appointment of Internal Auditor_24.12.2021 |
63 |
Revised Notice of EGM |
64 |
Rectification Letter |
65 |
BSE BM Intimation 24.05.2022 |
66 |
Combined Voting Results and E voting Results_EGM_25.05.2022 |
67 |
Outcome of EGM_25.05.2022 |
68 |
Outcome of BM_30.05.2022 |
69 |
Non-Applicability of Regulation 23(9) of SEBI (LODR) Regulation_31.03.2022.pdf |
70 |
Board Meeting Intimation_24.06.2022 |
71 |
PCS Certificate_Preferential Allotment |
72 |
VALUATION REPORT_Preferential Allotment |
73 |
Outcome of BM_08.07.2022 |
74 |
Newspaper publication 18th AGM (1) |
75 |
Bookclosure Notice_09.07.2022 (1) |
76 |
Notice of AGM_09.07.2022 (1) |
77 |
Form MGT-9_Extract of Annual Return |
78 |
Addendum to Notice of 18th AGM_Indo Us bio tech limited |
79 |
80 |
81 |
Outcome of BM_28.07.2022 |
82 |
Outcome of AGM_01.08.2022 |
83 |
84 |
Scrutinizer Report AGM_2021-2022 |
85 |
Outcome BM 09.09.2022 |
86 |
Closure of trading window_30-09-2022 |
87 |
BSE Intimation for Change in Committee Composition_9-3-2023 |
88 |
Annual Disclosure under Regulation 30(2) of SEBI SAST_31-03-23 |
89 |
Declaration Under Reg 31(4) of SEBI SAST_31-03-23 |
90 |
Initial Disclosure requirements for large entities_Non Applicablity |
91 |
Outcome of BM_3-5-23 |
92 |
Newspaper Publication_Financial Results 31-03-2023 |
93 |
Intimation of Board Meeting 30-06-2023 |
94 |
Outcome of BM_07-07-2023 |
95 |
Postal Ballot Notice_07-07-2023 |
96 |
Newspaper Publication_Postal Ballot Notice_08-07-23 |
97 |
BM Intimation_05-08-2023_Indo Us Bio Tech Ltd |
98 |
Scrutinizers Report and E voting Results_08-08-2023 |
99 |
Proceedings of Postal Ballot__08-08-2023 |
100 |
Outcome of BM_12-08-2023_For Financial Results |
101 |
Newspaper Advertisement_Financial Results |
102 |
Record date Intimation for Bonus Equity Shares |
103 |
Revised record date intimation for Bonus Issue |
104 |
Outcome of BM_01-09-2023 |
105 |
MoU between Navsari Agricultural University and Indo Us Bio Limited |
106 |
Outcome of BM_07-09-2023 |
107 |
Form MGT-9 Extract of Annual Return_2022-2023 |
108 |
Notice of 19th AGM_in Newspaper |
109 |
Outcome of 19th AGM |
110 |
19th AGM Proceedings |
111 |
Scrutinizer Report AGM_2022-2023 |
112 |
BM Intimation_01-11-2023 |
113 |
Outcome of BM_08-11-2023 |
114 |
Newspaper Publication_Western Times Newspaper_09-11-2023 |
115 |
Outcome of BM_24-01-2024 |
116 |
Postal Ballot Notice |
117 |
Newspaper publication Postal Ballot |
118 |
BM Intimation_06-02-2024 |
119 |
Newspaper Publication Unaudited Financial Results |
120 |
Voting Results & Scrutinizer Report_Indo Us Bio Tech Limited_28-02-2024 |
121 |
Initial Disclosure requirements for large entities_Non Applicablity_2024 |
122 |
Results Newspaper Publication_31-03-2024 |
123 |
Outcome of Board Meeting_08-08-2024 |
124 |
BM Intimation_01-08-2024 |
125 |
Newspaper Publication Unaudited Financial Results June Quarter |
126 |
BSE Announcement BSE NSE Main Board Migration In Principle |
127 |
Newspaper Publication of 20th AGM Notice_compressed |
128 |
Certificate of Appreciation BSE Announcement |
129 |
MOU for Maize_BSE Announcement |
130 |
Outcome of 20th Annual General Meeting |
131 |
20th Annual General Meeting (AGM) Proceedings |
132 |
Scrutinizer Report AGM_2023-2024_Indous |
133 |
BM Intimation_06-11-2024 |
134 |
Revised BM Intimation_Announcement_13-11-2024 |
135 |
Postal Ballot Notice_14-11-24 |
136 |
Newspaper Publication_Western Times Newspaper_15-11-2024 |
137 |
Newspaper Publication for Postal Ballot Notice |
138 |
BM Outcome_21-11-2024_Declaration of Dividend |
139 |
Record Date_21-11-2024_Corporate Action |
140 |
Corrigendum Postal Ballot Notice_22-11-2024 |
141 |
Newspaper Publication Corrigendum to Postal Ballot Notice |
142 |
Scrutinizers Rerport_Postal Ballot_E voting Results |
143 |
BM Intimation_03-02-2025 |
144 |
Outcome of Board Meeting_11-02-2025 |
145 |
Newspaper Publication Financial Results 31-12-2024 |
146 |
Announcement under Reg 30_Promoters are going to abroad for Business purpose |
147 |
Announcement under Reg 30_Promoters are going to abroad for Business purpose |